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Old 03-09-2004, 12:30 AM   #1 (permalink)
Stare At The Sun
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Location: Somewhere over the rainbow
First off, its SIEG Heil.

Now, my input on this subject will be rather..different, and will probably be edited. However, it is what I believe.

true, we must not forget our history... we must always be on the watch for potential hitler-esque leaders arising in our midst. but don't the constant references callous people to the real horror of the third Reich? to me, if people associate Hitler’s likeness with such moderates as junior and senior Bush & Clinton... then when a real threat to the world arises again, the public will not be able to differentiate between them.
I find it odd honestly how people do forget about a lot of the good things that Hitler did. Now, that in and off itself is a very controversial statement, however, it is true. Hitler did bring Germany out of the post WWI depression era, and created millions of jobs for the German people, before the war started, unemployment was very limited, and he did unify the people in a way that prior to Hitler was unthinkable. The war he waged was one of pure bloodlust, however, I personally believe that "the real horror" of what Hitler did is vastly overexagerated. I do not believe that 6 million Jews, gypsies, homosexuals, and blacks were killed. That number doesn't even come close to being realistic.

Hitler was a conquer, a man that wanted to expand his nation, and did so. He, like hundreds of other generals, commanders and leaders before him, did what they had to do. You don't see anyone comparing GWB to Genghis Kahn do you? Of course not. People forget their very past, and what our allies in WW2 did. Stalin killed far more people than Hitler could have dreamed of. All Americans exist where we do today because of European conquers and conquistadors. Warfare is a part of human existence and history.

I think a lot of things have been changed over time, and since the US supports Israel fully, and all the bullshit they stand for and do, then and now, they obviously allow the books to be rewritten to justify the existence of Israel and their bullying of the middle east. Everything I've read on the subject shows how utterly unreasonable the entire Holocaust is, and how much of a ploy it was. Did many Jews die? Yes, however 6 million? No.

The things that Hitler did were wrong, yes, of course, however, they are blown way out of proportion and were simply done for political reasons. and now, that is lost on our generation. History after all, is written by the victors.

Last edited by Stare At The Sun; 03-09-2004 at 01:02 AM..
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