Originally posted by pan6467
I'd love to hear how Bush helped the economy.
If one takes credit for the good, one must also take credit for the bad and strive to change it.
I don't see Bush doing that.
First off, I don't believe the President influences the economy in any significant way.
Second, his detractors have left him no alternative but to take credit for the good.
The good includes increasingly productive workers, low interest rates, high home ownership, high home values, low inflation, more than
9 quarters of economic growth since the utterly mild recession of 2001, and more American workers invested in the stock market than ever before.
The bad? Unemployment that, by historical standards, is moderate, segments of the US workforce being impacted by global changes effecting virtually
EVERY industrialized nation on earth, and high budget deficits at least a fair portion of which were unavoidable due to the acts of 9/11.
If he's to "blame" for the economy I'd have to say he gets a solid "B" in my book. Certainly not a bad enough grade in my book to justify a change in leadership. But to each his own.