I'm about as conflicted as you can imagine on this one..
on the one hand...it's free speech, i can say what i want, period. Of course, When and where is up to the situation...I wouldn't exactly walk down my street saying, "F*** THE N******" bc that would be stupid and would result in my getting shot..repeatedly...several thousand times probably...
I also think that is disturbing to society adn just plain wrong.
On the other hand, i would fully accept getting shot for saying something like that...i would NOT accept getting shot by a policeman for saying something like that..at least not shot bc it was against the law.
I think a lot of it has to do with common sense, which isnt' so common anymore.
Overall, i don't believe in limiting speech. i think the gov't should stay out of my bedroom, my head, and my mouth. With that said, i don't think certain things should be said at certain times by certain people...like anyone in my neighborhood spouting racial slurs, you'll get shot..
Hmm..that wasn't too clear.
I'd say, it should be allowed bc it really could lead to more censorship, but i honestly believe people should monitor what they say themselves. I think this hsould be under the law against shouting "FIRE" in a crowded theater...
Hmm...it is perplexing