A Blonde, a Brunette, and a Redhead...
...are all driving during a huge storm. Eventually the storm gets so bad they have to pull over to the side of the road and look for shelter. Since they are out in the middle of the country they can only find a big red barn so even though they would be trespassing they go in anyways.
After a while, they notice the farmer comming straight towards the barn with his pitchfork so all three girls sneak into burlap sackls to hide.
The farmer gets to the barn and starts poking around to make sure no one is in his barn. He pokes the bag with the Redhead and she says "Bow Wow, Woof!"
"Oh there must be a dog in that bag" Says the farmer. He pokes the bag with the Brunette in it and she says "Meow, Meow"
"Oh, there must be a cat inside."
The farmer goes to the bag that the blonde is in, starts poking and she says "POTATOS, POTATOS!"