Originally posted by ARTelevision
Back to the main thrust. First, I said nothing so simple as could be compared to saying some birds are black, therefore all birds are black. It's apples and oranges, there.
Then you are missing my point.
You can take selections of media and say "this is mind control" but to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is mind control -then you would have to show that in EVERY CASE that it's mind control.
Kind of like the black swans except all we are looking for is one case where the media IS NOT mind control -like finding a different colored swan.
HOWEVER, you are answering my question already because you said
"All media are mind control."
Taking the question at hand and assuming it as truth.
Seems like you are taking this statement as a given and then looking for examples to back it up. This seems very
Socrates: "The media is engaged in mind control."
Plato: "How do you know this?"
Socrates: "Because of my selection of examples"
Plato:"What about this example by the Amercian Cancer Institute?"
Socrates:"Yes that is mind control too"
Socrates:"Because all media are mind control."
I guess we disagree because I do not believe that the American Cancer Institute pamplet on Breast Cancer is any form of "Mind Control". They make their pamplet pretty because they want people to look at it. Is it mind control to create interest? You say yes and I say that it's
absurd. Sorry but we are going to part ways here.
Your writing is poetic but merely saying something doesn't make it true.
For example
Someone sells me a car. They tell me all sorts of fabrications about the car. They tell me that I can get laid by merely owning the car and that it's the best car in the world. Moreover, by merely charging the car to my credit -I will get instant "cash back" on the car which I will be paying for over the next 5 years. EVEN WITH all the inducements and lies -the guy who sold me the car, though manipulative -wasn't engaging in "Mind Control".
In short manipulative means manipulative and Mind Control means that I lose my freedom of choice. Apples and Oranges.