FYI - see Greg's Great Spaghetti recipe on this same index within the TFP. It is awesome.
As for the bread, I do as follows:
Fresh Italian or french bread. Cut into thick slices
Sour Cream
Parmesan cheese
Garlic powder
Italian seasoning
Seasoned salt (Lawrey's type of thing)
Cut bread. Apply fine layer of sour cream. Use the real stuff as the lower fat stuff is too watery. Over the sour cream, spread a nice layer of butter. (You can put the butter first, then the sour cream - it doesn't matter). Sprinkle a healthy layer of parmesan cheese. (Frankly, more often than not I use the Kraft Cheese "dust" in the tall green can. Certainly better to use better cheese, but again, use what you've got.) Over the cheese, sprinkle a fine layer of garlic powder. Shake just a little italian spices on it - mainly for appearance, not for the flavor. Lastly, just a few granules of seasoned salt. I put a small amount in the palm of my hand and pinch a little and sprinkle on bread. Careful with the salt as you can easily over salt it and ruin the whole thing. If in doubt, just skip the salt - you can always salt to taste after cooked.
Put in toaster oven on toast, or in oven on broil (I like to cook both sides of the bread, so I toast it. Most like to cook only the top of the bread and leave the bottom softer - for this use the broiler. In any case, only until top is lighly brown. Remove and serve promptly. Give it a try.