Happened to me not once, but twice :\ She started going out with him while still with me, when I found out I raged and stuff, cut both of them out of my life and tried to move on. Year or so later she wanted to get back together, and like a chump I did. Couple months go by and I find out she's with another of my friends, and had been set up with him by my best friend. Needless to say I get pretty pissed again, and at that point I decide she's costing me too many friends and swear her off for good. As a result of all the he said/she said crap our whole group of friends splintered, and I'm just now starting to rekindle friendships with some of the people I haven't talked to in years. I still want nothing to do with any of the 3 or her though, while I've pretty well forgiven them all for what they did, I still want nothing to do with them as if they were indeed true friends they wouldn't have pulled that shit in the first place.