You do have one big problem. You live in a small college town. They suck. From what I have ever seen of small college towns they use people. THey pay as little as possible and are only interested in hiring some stupid kid that will be there. Being educated or just smart seems to be bad. Can you drive? If you can try to comute to a larger city, or just a better job.
I know how you feel thouhg. I was in college and had some decent acredations that I had earned before. The best job I could get was subway, I tried for everything, but that was it. I hated it and I hated every moment I was there. I kept telling my self one thing, and I made my self believe it.
"I will get through this. I AM STRONGER THAN THIS! This shit will not beat me, I will beat it, I will own it, I will kick its ass. Life fucking sucks, but I play to win and I will WIN!!!!"
It took a while but things did get better and I am kicking life's ass now. I am happy now. From where I was before though I thought I would never be happy.
Get motiated, get mad, get RAGED. Don't medicate your self to feeling better, kick lifes ass, it is better than any drug.
I know you wanted all the "pull your self together" comments left at the door, but honestly what I just typed really did get me our of a place just like you were. I now feel empowered and I am in control of my life becasue I told my self that quote every day and every time I felt down.
Good luck. I know you can do it.
Did I mention that I can't spell or type?
Oh yeah, check out my car