I am very aware of what the Hebrew name of God is and the reverence they show for it. The believers in within the Catholic institution are no doubt full of the Holy Spirit in spite of the Institution itself. But that is only further testamony to the Grace and glory of God.
Jesus in His days on earth, was faced with a Jewish Temple and High Priesthood filled with similar dogma and coruptness and He referred to those who were in charge and had dominion over the the Temple as a "brood of vipers," "hypocrites", and "whitewashed tombs full of dead men's bones". He demanded that the Priests and priesthood of His day had so loaded down the common Jews with rules and regulations and traditions that it made them "Twice as fit for hell as they (the priests) were themselves". These were the words of the Meschiach Himself! The bottom line was, when tradition and dogma replaces the teaching and word of GOD, then the tradition and Dogma are expendable. Not the other way around. Jesus taught that "he road is wide, but the gate is narrow. Many are called, but few are chosen." It is the responsibility of the church to ensure that this is clearly understood and that as many as possible get through that gate and get chosen. Not through Dogma or man-made tradition but by the direct teachings of Meschiach.
I agree- Those who seek will find. By all means- seek on!
"That's it! They've got the cuffs on him, he's IN the car!"