Originally posted by Thagrastay
As Joshua demanded- "Chose you this day what God you will serve! As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD!"
The Lord's name is Yeshua
The bold face, all capitatilized "LORD" in your quotation is in reference to the letters YHWH, commonly translated as Yahweh from the original Hebrew language. The Hebrews were too fearful to actually write out the complete name of their God, and so after many years of translation we are left with, at best, some man's educated guess.
And as for your arguement, I find it a bit pitiful to make such a bold and blatant disregard for the people of Catholic faith. I am a Christian, I grew up Pentecostal and was taught the arguements against the Catholic church that you suppose, but upon visiting a few churches myself I found that the service was very reverent and full of the Holy Spirit. To think that people who are truly pursuing a relationship with God cannot find Him around a bit of Dogma is quite absurd.
If you earnestly seek Truth - Truth will find you.