I have a question.
fyi I'm a stubborn bastard.
There was a time when I lived on the west coast and I moved east.
The electric company sent me my final bill which was 3 or 4 times what it should have been. I'm guessing that either someone jacked my power when I wasn't at the empty house OR the electric company made a mistake (which they had done previously) and misread my power meter.
After dealing with a very rude and obnoxious electric company billing agent who refused to do anything -I vowed never to pay them. It's now 6 yeas later and because I am cleaning up my credit -I finally paid -just to get it off the books.
I still feel like I shouldn't have. The question is -Even though I paid this bill how does it effect my credit? If it's paid late EVEN THOUGH I FEEL LIKE I WAS CHEATED is there anyway to put "my side of it" in the records?
Note that I still have some of the old bills that anyone can compare what the bill should've been.
Also for future reference -what should I do when someone overcharges and I'm feeling cheated. I still have the "don't pay" mentality and it doesn't do a thing for me.
Last edited by Astrocloud; 03-08-2004 at 04:28 PM..