I'd love to hear how Bush caused this.
GWB has presided over the most severe reversal in American economics since 1929. And, while he may not have been directly responsible for it, he bears the responsibility of how the government managees the recovery.
He has NOT put more money in the pockets of the ones who spend it to drive the economy. (his tax cuts did NOT help MY family)
He has NOT promoted the generation of jobs of a quality and pay scale to replace the ones being shipped overseas. (his "booming" economy is NOT helping the citizens who need it most)
His energy policy has allowed non-productive brokers to siphon off profits that the local power generators would have been able to invest in upgrading the power grid. (my gas and electric bill soar while large corporate customers get off cheap)
The war that he lied to us about, coupled with his immoral tax cuts, has created the fastest growing deficit in history, and he makes no pretense to having a plan for paying it off. He has saddled the nation with a burden that will drag it down for decades.
Hmmmmm.... I guess I'm just not a patiot. I'd rather feed, house and protect my children than kill Iraqis and give their oil to the vice-president's buddies.