Much to much drinking; now what?
I put this here because I know other ladies might have gone through this situation before and can give suitable advice and share words of wisdom that make sense. Here is the story(sorry so long) ::
I hit the town last night and painted it several colors. You could say I drank way more than I should but not beyond the point of not knowing exactly what I was doing. I was with several male colleagues and a few friends. We finally had all our schedules minced well and opted for this weekend to be a good party weekend together.
I fixed myself up real sexy but not overly. A nice form fitting white long sleeved shirt and a pair of hip huggers. I dressed up good because I knew I'd run into this man(closest male friend) I am attracted to at the club. He's sexy and intelligent and best of all we know each other better than we know ourselves. If he were a female we'd be twins, I swear.
I never drink enough so that I'm inebriated and can't recall the events of the day before. I remember everything that happened. I lose my inhibitions after a couple but not enough to become a bar whore and sleep around with every man that comes along.
Last night while feeling a little lovey dovey I wrapped my arms around him and another male colleague. The male colleague didn't mind nor did he mind. I got to kissing him on the neck and ruffling my colleagues hair. Everything was great and we all had a great time.
He brought me home. I felt so ill that I hugged the toilet bowl for a long time. Somehow in between talking with him while I was hugging the bowl I told him how much I love him and he said the same back to me. At first I felt he only said it because we were both drunk and he was trying to humor me. On reflection and because I know him very well I think he really meant it. He told me how beautiful I am and sexy even while puking.
While I know we were both intoxicated I meant everything I said to him. The truth is finally out in the open and I feel so free now that I don't have to keep it a secret. My dilemma and need for advice is:: How do I approach the subject with him now? I'd like to know things were said for real and not just due to being drunk. I'm perfectly fine speaking with him about anything but in this case I'm a nervous wreck. Any ladies ever experience something like this? Any advice and words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated.
The Programmers' Cheer
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Pop up, push down, byte, byte, byte!