To say that the Catholic Institution is a wholly Christian endeavor is ridiculous. So much dogma has been added to the Word of GOD under the auspices of the latitude of interpretability that it has made a sham of the fundamentals of the foundations of the faith.
Adding the Aprocrypha was haughty enough- Hebrew books that the Hebrews themselves do not recognize as Canon- but the addition of idolotry, emporer worship, purgatory, original sin, and all the other non-biblical stautes and regulations and what you are left with is this:
The Roman Empire was not conquered. It simply became the Holy Roman Empire and the Roman emperors traded in their laurel wreths and Isis worship for Tall hats and the worship of Mary, the Queen of Heaven.
Rome is still the City of 7 hills and it's colors are purple and scarlet and the Apostle whose keys it pretends to hold and whose mantle it pretends to wear, is the very same Apostle it Crucified Upside Down in the very city of the Vatican.
You cannot serve 2 Gods.
As Joshua demanded- "Chose you this day what God you will serve! As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD!"
The Lord's name is Yeshua and He is the High Priest and King of Kings. We need no other intercessor. Look to your Bibles and see for yourselves.
"That's it! They've got the cuffs on him, he's IN the car!"