Originally posted by rogue49
When I was almost killed.
When I was about 16, my mom & I were driving home from my aunt's
She was driving, I was sitting beside her in the passenger seat.
We were on a back highway of Upstate New York & Connecticut.
It was a beautiful day with sun and no weather.
When I glanced up, and saw something large coming down in the air.
I yelled to my mom to stop
And with a screeching halt, and a slight shift back in my seat.
A two yard long, 6 inch wide branch pierced the car window like a spear.
The branch put a large scratch on my face and made a hole in the seat between my legs.
A split second later I would have been dead...or at least severely maimed.
I kept that branch with me for a year.
It showed me that it can end anytime, with no reason nor rhyme.
No one to blame.
So make the best of it, and experience all you can.
Because sometimes the ride is over.
I had a similiar experienc to this one, result wise. I didnt almost die.. but... it yielded the same results.
I've come to the realization that my life could've been much better, and i've sortof wasted a lot of it. The first time i really stopped denying it was at the doctors office- I was there for having a pretty much constant string of headaches for a week or so, and my doctor basically diagnosed it 2 ways. The first thing that might've been causing them was my diet and my hydration, the second was some disease that was nearly life threatening, something that would most definetely shorten my lifespan greatly. During his explanation of the problem, I actually had the thought that i could now begin living life to the fullest. Its almost like I felt i needed an excuse to live boldly and without constraints. I decided that if i did have this disease, i wouldnt be sad, infact i felt as if it would liberate me into happiness. Odd. This is when i realized how much better life could be, and that i dont need an excuse to live differently. I'm not there yet... but I'm finding my way...