why do people separate the catholic faith from the rest of christianity?
The question which began this thread ran along the lines of wanting to know the difference between Catholics and Christians.
I believe by "the rest of Christianity", Karby most certainly holds the belief that Catholics are Christian. Your perspective is valued, but please don't pervert the purpose of this thread.
Catholics are not Christians. They make that distinction themselves.
I don't know how to politely refute this. You're wrong. Ask a Catholic if he's Christian some time. A bus is a car, a car is not necessarily a bus. So it is with the terms "Catholic" and "Christian". This is not a difficult concept.
In other words, Since Jesus was G*D, and He is away for the moment, while He is away, the Pope is acting in His stead, which for the moment makes the Pope no less than G*D on earth.
Do you know how frequently the pope celebrates the Sacrament of Reconciliation? Weekly. Regardless of your position on the legitimacy of the Sacraments, the pope's actions clearly illustrate that he certainly doesn't believe he's a perfect being, serving in the place of God. Nor do Catholics. The pope is a human and a sinner. He would not have needed the guidance of the Church if he were perfect, but he isn't.
You complain about adopted Hebrew concepts when you won't spell out the word "God"?
The Pope is not an Apostle, whose succession goes all the way back to Peter, though that is as lovely a tale as that of Mary's ascension and her dying a virgin. Peter was beheaded in crucifed in Rome, by the Romans- the same Romans who now claim to run the Holy Empire using his same keys.
I don't see how the fact that Peter died is getting in the way of the belief that the pope is the his successor. I'm pretty sure a great majority of the people who began successions that have lasted for two thousand years are quite dead.
Perhaps the people who now maintain an organization from the city of Rome are different than the people who did so 2000 years ago? The dogs of the Roman emperors during the era of Christian persecution are not the college of Cardinals.