I don't think anyone's made a decent keyboard in the past ten years. I can't stand rubberdomes and want to hear and feel the clunk clunk clunk under my fingertips...and I want to be able to put something (perhaps just resting my hands) ON the keyboard without whatever it is to actually press the keys.
Presently on my KVM is a BTC 5100C, and my spare/traveling keyboard is a good old IBM PS/2 one (made in nov 1987

You want a GOOD keyboard, look around at used computer shops or ebay.
Best Keyboard Ever: DataDesk Mac101E...was made in the mid-80's. (I have one of these too)
I miss Sun's Type 5...they really dropped the ball when they replaced it with the rubber-dome 5c.
Apple? ha. The old Mac keyboards were sooooo nice (even the way-too-big one nicknamed "USS Enterprise") but they got bitten by the let's-make-it-cheap bug years ago. I literally can't use a new powerbook keyboard.
Northgate Omni-Key. nummy. The original Gateway AnyKey was excellent too.