Well, I am using one of those tiger things that abrades the very top surface of the wallpaper just enough to allow moisture in and get underside wet. I also borrowed an industrial steamer from a friend and that is helping out a lot. I didn't want to use nasty gooy chemicals if I could avoid it. That seems more mess and work to me. I think I may have picked the most difficult section in my whole house to begin! At least I HOPE I did!

I did a small section in my bedroom and it was a breeze...hopefully the whole room will go like that.
The previous owner loved wallpaper at one time and she has it in EVERY room in this house except the living room. The kitchen will be the most difficult to do as it is not only big but the full walls are papered not just the lower half with a chair rail.
Thank you everybody for your help! VitaminH...I'll go check out that site and see what help I can get from there too. Any fresh ideas or helpful hints will be wonderful!