I don't even understand why this is such an issue. To me there are far more important problems facing this country than what two people do in the privacy of thier own house. This is a constitutional issue for me not a religous one. Although my religious beliefs play a tiny moral factor into my position on this issue.
From a religious standpoint I am Roman Catholic by religion but I never go to church. I do believe in God and the teaching of Jesus so I am a Christian. God may or may not have a problem with homosexuality but shouldn't the final judgement be left up to Him. Who are we to dictate God's will anyway.
From a constiutional and political standpoint a law opposing gay marriage should enrage and frighten any logical thinking American. That would be another law by the government to infringe on our personal lives. The government of the United States was NOT designed to interfere with our personal lives. I believe that it is un-American to support this law. I TOTALLY disagree with Bush and any politician who supports a law banning gay marriage. Plus as I said earlier this should be a non-issue. There are far more pressing issues facing this country such as terrorism and the economy. Lets focus on whats important and what is good for the whole country not just the fundamentalist christians.