Although I am generally not really into conspiracy theories, I figure I might as well throw this in the mix -
First of all, I firmly believe that flight 93 was shot down. Probably the best course of action, and I commend the government for making the passengers look like heros "by taking the plane down themselves."
My Reasoning behind this:
First of all, if yet another flight was hijacked, I would assume that most everyone would think that it would also be used as a missle to attack a target.
Secondly - I remember the
very first reports, which included 2 interviews where eyewitnesses had seen fighters in the area.
Finally, there is a lot of circumstantial evidence that points to the plane being shot down, such as the fighters in the area, length of time to reach the plance, time of the crash, and sonic boom.
On another interesting note, A few months ago I remember some architectual engineers dissecting the crash. They built model replicas of the towers and created nearly duplicate explosions within a very small error margin at the designated areas where the planes had hit. One tower did fall, the other stood. However, there was a HUGE time discrepency. According to their little experiment the tower that had fallen should have taken 3 more hours to collapse. The second tower, although damaged, was structurally intact and should not have collapsed at all, unless the first tower had made contact with it.
I do find it somewhat difficult to believe that although it takes months of calculations for demolishion companies to strategically plot out where to place explosives to cause the building to implode on itself, ramming to passenger jets nearly 40 stories apart had more or less the same effect. In my opinion, I imagine that there
were explosives set to detonate, which probably saved many, many lives. Who put them there? No idea, it could have been either the government or terrorists, or of course they may have never been there at all. However, in the special that I had watched, after reviewing hundreds of different angles, many from home video cameras that were not taken from news segments, the engineers had decided that although the impact of the planes played a large role in the building collapsing, the buildings looked like they had a unidentified contribution to them collapsing, and they didn't feel comfortable speculating on what did cause it, although they said that placing charges would have a very similar effect.
Not sure how true any of the above is, but - like I said, figured I'd just bring it up