Originally posted by DonnieBoy
Did anyone watch this tonight? I have been waiting for this to come on ever since the teasers started appearing a few months ago, and I must say it was well worth the wait!
I first thought that this was just gonna be another mini-series but it appears to be an actual series with more than 4 or 5 episodes.
For any Stephen King fans out there this is a must see series! Finally something to watch on Wednesday nights! Any thoughts or comments out there?
Spoiler Questions Below
Spoiler: 1. Is that weird ant-eater thing a billy-bumbler from the Dark Tower novels? I think maybe it is!
2. Well not really a question but an observation. Did anyone catch the commercial playing on the wifes TV for NOZZ-A-LA Soda? That is also from the DT novels
I can't wait for next weeks episode!
1. I think you were looking too much into it. It was just an anteater. Considering it ate an ant off the guy's face. lol
2. I just about fell outta my chair when I saw the name of the cola on that truck that stopped. Glad I wasn't the only one who made the link.