Ive had a few that I guess are cool
In college id see alot of sorrority girls ith their skirts caught up in their pantyhose or panties and most times id sit there and just watch(very nice butts on them all). and on windy days oud see plenty of girls grabbing at their skirts trying to keep them down. One girl I had known from class was talking to me one day and her skirt flew up right in front of me. She was embarassed and after a breif laugh we continued to talk. And across from my side of the dorm was a girls dorm and if you had binoculars you could look into many of the windows and see girls changing and undressing at all times of the night.
When i was in junior high I went to visit a friend whose mom happened to be sunbathing on their front patio topless with her then boyfriend. I got a full on view of her exposed breasts that were very well tanned. I was walking closer (very slowly) and looking and after about 3 or 4 minutes I yelled hi and she hurredly covered up.
A femlae friend gave me a ride home from junior college one day and was wearing a skirt that kept inching up a bit on both sides while she was driving. She was wearing pantyhose and by the time we neared my house you could see about an inch from her crotch and the whole time Im looking at her legs (which were very well toned because she ran track) and trying to pay attention to what she was saying, all the while adjusting my bag on my lap because she pretty much had my flag at full mast. I was dying to touch her legs but since Id only really known her for a few weeks I didnt dare. I later found out she had a thing for me but I was too shy to act on it and over time her fascination with me passed.
The funniest and oddest moment happened one day as I was walking through my local park. I often took walks there to relieve stress and just think and I happened to pass 2 cars that were parked at the far end of the area. One car was rigght behind the other and in front of the first car was a guy leaning up against a wall and one of the cars had a stereo up loud. The closer I got I noticed another guy sitting in the first car with something hairy in his lap and the guy was leaning back with an odd look on his face. I passed the guy against the wall and said hey and continued on but curiosity got the best of me and I turned around for a look. Inside of the car I saw a woman on the passenger side her head bobbing up and down in in his lap giving him oral and the guy was obviously enjoying it.