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Old 03-05-2004, 03:29 PM   #3 (permalink)
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Location: Chitown!!
Originally posted by Cynthetiq
aside from the burn in aspects, I don't like the mesh look of the plasmas. If I concentrate I can see the individual pixels and they just don't seem as smooth as a DLP does.
True. DLP models cannot suffer from burn in. We have a Scenium 50" and a Samsung 61" DLP sitting on either side of a 50" Pioneer plasma. The Pioneer plasma is by far and away the best looking plasma at a reasonable price point (sub $35,000 for a Runco), and it is absolutely humbled by the DLP's. DLP kills plasma in contrast and color saturation. It's not actually all that hard to see the individual pixels on a plasma panel. Look closely and you will see the black barrier walls between phosphors (least noticeable on a Pioneer). Now look at a DLP very closely. You cannot see any black between pixels because the mirrors on the DMD (digital micromirror device) flush up next to one another.

A DLP TV addresses all of the shortcomings of other methods of TV. They are thinner and more energy efficient than a CRT rear projection, have a better contrast, color saturation, and are more enery efficient than plasma, much better contrast than LCD, and have better contrast than LCoS.
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