Yes, I am looking forward to getting him started, although we are taking our time in choosing the right place, out of the 2. One is larger-corporated than the other and we met with the Master and did a one-on-one meeting with him the other day and just Josh & I will go back and watch a class without Drew. Both are Academies, a part of the WTF. They both have been around a long time, ever since I can remember myself. One is a larger place, it costs $75/mo, 2 days a week. The second, in which we are able to let him have a few free trial classes is $40 for the uniform then $50/mo, 2 days a week. We went to the first trial class yesterday and there were only 2 other boys in the class other than him, which we are really prefering, since he needs more of the one-on-one focus without distractions. He did really well, although for now he does still not comprehend the seriousness of it, but I am sure in time that he will. He does not lack of confidence at all, but I have a strong feeling that this will be a wonderful, effective way to learn respect, patience, self defense, and discipline. I think martial arts is healthy for any kid, for that matter.
We are to teach him his phone number as homework for the weekend, and we will go back on Tuesday. There is a lot he will have to memorize and I know it will seem overwhelming to him at first, but we will work with him every day on techniques, reciting morals, stretching, and routines. I know he will do great in the long-run.