Originally posted by filtherton
I know tax philosophy runs across the spectrum on the tfp. I myself think that taxation is a necessary part of living in a formal, codified group. That at some point resources can and must be pooled to serve the greater good.
I know that some people think that taxation is tantamount to being raped and i'm not really certain why.
I'm just curious as to peoples opinions on taxes and their justification for said opinions. Please keep partisanship and conservative v. liberal out of it.
Taxation is neccesary to keep government running, police running, and all the services we have running. I agree though, that taking my taxes and giving them to others is wrong, special interest groups, other countries.. all of it. If I want to donate to charity, I will do it myself
"Life is possible only with illusions. And so, the question for the science of mental health must become an absolutely new and revolutionary one, yet one that reflects the essence of the human condition: On what level of illusion does one live?"
-- Ernest Becker, The Denial of Death