"Codependent Personality Disorder is a dysfunctional relationship with the self characterized by living through or for another, attempts to control others, blaming others, a sense of victimization, attempts to "fix" others, and intense anxiety around intimacy. It is very common in people raised in dysfunctional families, and in the partners and children of alcoholics and addicts."
I used to exude co-dependent behavior until I learned to look past all the hardships in my family, look past all the negative feelings I had for myself and until I learned not to depend on others for happiness.
I've come to enjoy being alone, making myself happy first instead of living through others and depending on them to make me happy. I also have confidence in who I am as a woman, speak my mind when I need to and say No when I have to. It's a glorious feeling.
I can take care of myself, pay my bills on my own, do everything I need to do on my own. It is nice to have someone else around me to take care of me, but I will do the same for that person in return but I don't NEED it. It's only a want.
If you are needy then consider yourself a co-dependent.
The Programmers' Cheer
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