There is no such thing as blind faith. A faith that is blind is not faith but lunacy. I love it when rationalists try to play at dissecting the unknown. What real experience do you bring to the table?
We are not talking religion, here. I would think that COMMON SENSE would tell you that.
Jonestown? I beg your pardon?
A bit heavy handed, that, wouldn't you say?
But I would expect no less. Having no real substance, personal attacks will suffice. Sound and fury signifying nothing and all that.
Nowe on to the real topic at hand.
Faith is an action.
There that should be simple enough for even the most droll among you to fugure out, theburner.
But let me take that a bit further:
Faith is an action, based upon a belief.
Now, here is the part where you come in with all of your logic:
Define the term Belief.
What is a belief?
Is it a decision?
a reaction?
What is it?
Help me out here, theburner, please.
You see, religion is what Jonestown was- No faith there, mind you- simply linacy. That is becazuse Relkigion demands that you DO something in order to EARN your spot or place in eternity. Whereas spirituality and specifically, the Grace of Christainity states that there is nothing you CAN do, becasue it is already DONE. Salvation is a Free GIFT.
So, theburner, please, get off my toes, thank you, and define "belief" for me, if you're able. And no fair runningto the Websters. Let's find out just how truly smart you really are, shall we? Doctorate anyone?
"That's it! They've got the cuffs on him, he's IN the car!"