Here is the Christian take on it.
I do not recognize Catholicism as being Christian at all, but as being a carry-over and cross-breeding of a multitude of various ideas.
Basically, It has borrowed heavily from Juadaism, and you can see why- The Pope replacing the Hebrew Hig Priest and the Cardinals, Bishops, etc. replacing the Levites. The Vatican has replaced the Hebrew Temple, even in its design, except the Pope, who is the Vicar of Christ sits in the Messiah's chair until the Messiah returns.
As the Vicar of Christ, the Pope or High Priest, wears the Garments and makes Priestly decrees which are infallible, because every word he utters comes stright from the mouth of G*D Himself.
The Book of Hebrews in the New Testamnet states plainly that Jesus alone is now our High Priest and He alone fulfills that role in Heaven.
The decision to move the Temple from Jerusalem to Rome is questionable as well.
Mary did not ascend into heaven but remained in the care of the Apostle John until she died. She was buried and will be resurrected along with everyone else at the Judgement. The elevation of Mary, the Mother of Jesus to a place that is nearly that of an equal to one of the Trinity is in the eyes of most Christians, blasphemous. Mary did not die a virgin, but went on to have more children and more sons as well, one of whom was James, the author of the Book of James and the Patriarch of the church in Jerusalem. Remember that Mary (Miriam) was a nice Jewish girl, and the scriptures tell us that she did not know her husband until after Jesus was born. The scriptures tell us as well that she and her sons came to get Jesus one day and when He was informed the His motrher and brother were witing outside to see Him, Jesus responded: "Who is my mother? And who are my brothers? I tell you tthe truth- anyone who serves the Lord is my mother and my brothers."- Hardly a ringing endorsement for the Queen of Heaven.
There is no Biblical case whatsoever for th idea of Purgatory. It is wholly an invention and most likely one created to make money for the Cathedrals. Concerning the hereafter, Jesus stated quite plainly "It is given to a person once to die, and then comes the Judgement." This plainly says that after we die we are judged. Not sent to a phantasmal place to float until we are prayed or bought out of there. This is quite akin to the idea of Karma.
Praying to saints and statues and idolatry. As Christianity has it's very essence and roots in Judaism, and the Ten Commandments of Judaism explicitly prohibit Idilotry, Praying to statues would be a no-brainer. But for some reason, this has been over looked by the Catholic church, and most Catholic Cathedrals are loadxed with statues and idols and candles and places for people to kneel and pray at altars in front of these things. According to G*D, this is Blasphemy.
The Bible Plainly teaches that "we are saved by GRACE through FAITH, and that not of ourselves." It was this tenet that Martin Luther took great issue with and festered over. The Catholic Church maintains that you must earn salvation.
I could go on and on, but why bother. The differences between the Catholic Church and the Instruction of the Bible and the commandments of G*D are too numerous to list. Jesus commanded that we call no man Father, except our Father who is in Heaven, but every priest is called Father, and the Pope is called Our Holy Father. Was Jesus kidding? Lying? Stupid? The Universal Church is not a Christian establishment any more than the LDS church is. You will find in every cathedral and hospital and catholic establishment you go to a statue of the Messiah hanging on a cross. Forever crucified there. He is no longer there. They forget that He is RISEN! He is Risen and coming back soon and thereis a pope in His chair with a funny hat who has been amassing great wealth and not using that wealth to feed the hungry or poor or help the needy. Cathedrals of gold and silver and paintings and chalices and rukles and regulations and there will be answers demanded.
"That's it! They've got the cuffs on him, he's IN the car!"