There's a difference between faith and common sense? I am not presenting my opinion, sir, I am presenting my experience, strength and hope to a person who has stated they have a problem and has asked for answers. There is an enorous difference here between opining and helping. Whereas one person may stand back and postulate their beliefs and theories about ideas, another may present their experiences and I would very much suspect that the proof would be there in the doing. I once had a friend who asked me why I would want to go to Africa and see the people that lived there. I gave him my reasons and he replied that he would never want to go to Africa. I told him, that was the thing which seperated us most- he could say he never wanted to go, and I could say I never wanted to go BACK.
I did not write the Bible. Nor did I invent Jesus or the things He did. I was not there at His crucifixion or resurrection. I was not therer when Paul wrote his epistles, or Peter raised that man from the dead, either. But I have studied this book for decades. I have discussed this book with multitudes of scholars and lay persons. I have seen what I have seen, and I know what I know. In the end, I have come to experience many, many things when it comes to the material and spiritual realms, and I have seen that when the spiritual realm is pierced, or the spiritual realm pierces this one, there is but One Name in all of my experience that has the power to bind and banish these malevolent beings- and that Name is Yeshua, Meshiach. Jesus the Messiah. I have heard testamony from person from all across the world that when they have called upon that name, they have received relief from any number of things, especially possession or oppression. This is personal testamony from persons who have endured things they themselves have chosen to describe in their own words. How, then can this be strictly my opinion?
Choose to believe what you will. You are free to do so. I am speaking from experience, and offer the questioner nothing more than what I have seen and done. I state as fact because that is what it is. I will not argue the historicity, because that is not for this thread and if you question so much about the bIble and your Messiah, I suggest that you study and pray a little harder. It certainly cannot hurt. Meanwhile, be at peace.
"That's it! They've got the cuffs on him, he's IN the car!"