Bush is doing it right. He is starting by using positive ads targeted at his base. He is neck and neck with Kerry in the polls and if this type of campaign works, and people get bored with Kerry's schtick he won't have to go negative too soon. If it doesn't work, he can go negative and always fall back on the "I tried a positive campaign, but my opponent went negative so I had to respond." Also, as Scipio noted, they must "approve" any ads so I think Bush will generally stay positive or on message and let "independent" groups do negative camaigning for him. Besides Bush as plenty of money to blow on advertising.
And by the way Dick Morris is a political genius and a complete slimeball. He will help whomever he sees as the winner. Right now he thinks Bush can take it, so he will fall into the Bush Camp. However, if it looks like Kerry is going to take it, he will miraculously end up supporting the Senator.
The sad part is he is so good at what he does that Kerry or Bush will welcome his advise.
Human beings, who are almost unique in having the ability to learn from the experience of others, are also remarkable for their apparent disinclination to do so."
-Douglas Adams