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Old 03-04-2004, 06:57 PM   #28 (permalink)
Location: USA
Originally posted by Kaos
Best advice I can give....BE DIRECT. If you mean it, and you do not want kids, make that point perfectly clear.

If your parents have any inkling that you will change your mind on this subject, they will try to convince you to have kids. For selfish (want grandkids) or non-selfish reasons.
I agree. You need be be firm and clear on this. Even then, some people will try to change your mind. I am married, and neither my husband or I want children. I have never wanted children. My mother accepts this and completely respects it. My father is still in some state of disbelief. My grandparents are saddened, which breaks my heart but, I can't reproduce just for them when I absolutely do not want to be a parent.

I get a plethera of ignorant commentary regarding this decision, mostly from people who do not really know me or my reasons. It is quite frustrating. I don't need to bring it up, people will ask and when they don't like my answer they try to argue with me. It is unfortunate that so many people cannot respect such a decision.
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