Paulaboots, I would recommend taking Thagrastay w/ a grain of salt. Or maybe a whole shaker of salt.
U are dealing with an entire realm of reality (or maybe not!!) that is basically unexplored by modern science.
I too have had paranormal experiences, and my strongest and most evident one occured during a time in my life where I really wasn't open to the possiblity of it occuring. The weird part was this was a shared experience ( a buddy and I) and BOTH of us walked away changed.
Just because you don't believe in Ghosts doesn't mean they can't reach out too you. And you don't have to watch for small "signs" either, if they want to get your attention, TRUST ME, they will.
OH yeah, and I personally don't think a belief in God/Jesus?Buddah/Muhammed or anyone else is a precurser to these experiences either.
Take Off Eh!