the democratic process depends upon constant questioning of the government we elect to represent us. blind faith in leadership is the means to dictatorship.
as the man says, "in god we trust, all others pay cash."
also, societies do not erode, that is an unqualified statement as far as anthropology, sociology, and ethnography are concerned. therefore, mistrust cannot be corrosive to society per se. these types of reasoning lead to the misuse of terms like "primative" when associated with culture studies, for example.
anytime someone starts talking about how society is degrading or degenerating, you should start walking away from that conversation. what gives us civilized life is spare time, time that we don't have to spend hunting and foraging for food. we get that from division of labor and specialization of skills, plant cultivation and animal husbandry. civilization advances due to the transmission of and accumulation of knowledge.
none of these foundations are at risk. civilization is fine, but it won't ever be static.
if everyone is thinking alike, chances are no one is thinking.