"And I'd be willing to bet if he cured cancer, fed the world's people, eliminated unemployment for all, and returned earth to a pristine environmental condition partisan Democrats would still oppose him."
I'm criticizing being partisan and closed-minded, and yet your response is just that, partisan and closed-minded. If you honestly believe Democrats wouldn't vote for a guy who cured cancer, fixed the environment, and fed the starving, you'd absolutely freaking insane. Many Democrats turned to Reagan after Carter's "leadership", regardless of partisanship. They may have disliked his particular politics, but they assumed he wouldn't run the country into the ground. Many Democrats have been critical of Clinton for his moderate nature, his sexual affairs, and his defense record. The whole world isn't partisan, nor should it be... and a guy who did the things you mentioned would inspire the entire WORLD, not just one nation. But, oh yeah... you're not using ACTUAL facts, just fantasies.