Don't let them control your lives! Fight for your civil rights!
OK, so maybe the topic is a little overdone. But I feel strongly about this topic, so it's my way of showing the finger to corporate America. Sure it's petty, but what the heck.
If you've ever gone into a largle electronics store (Fry's, Circuit City, etc.), you've almost certainly run into the "courtesy" line at the door, where they check your bags, receipt, and send you on your way. Personally, I feel this is an unlawful search and seizure, since I've done nothing to arouse suspitions of shoplifting. So, I just walk past the line of people, smile at the kids working the line, and trot on out the door.
The looks on the other customer's faces is priceless, and I've yet to have anyone actually say anything to me. I'm sorry, but that kind of procedure is just a bit too intrusive to me (companies assuming that everyone is trying to steal).
Any lawyers here willing to back me up? Or is it a matter of time before I show up on COPS? ("I ain't stealin' nothin' pig! Hey! Give me back my crack!")