Originally posted by mml
And by the way there is NO WAY Hillary is on the ticket. Kerry has a long enough road to hoe without carrying all of her baggage with him.
Damn make that three times in three days. I've held the possibility open for a while that Hillary was going to pull what Sen Lautenberg pulled here in NJ (basically Torricelli ran for Senate and took all the hits from the press, made his opponent spend all his money fighting him, and then dropped out at the very last minute for Lautenberg to step in). I still think it's a possibility and it's a strategy that will be used again sometime in the future.
Hillary getting on this ticket will only hurt her. I do not like Hillary in the least but it would be idiotic for her to jump in to be VP. People already take it as a given that she has her sites set on the Presidency she shouldn't settle for anything less at this point. I'm not sure she can get to that level, but strategically getting on Kerry's ticket will only give her more baggage when she attempts it.
Tholo, as far as Edwards saying he wasn't interested in the VP slot, I don't doubt that he did say it but last week during one of the tv discussions among candidates (I wouldn't even call it a debate) he seemed to be trying to ingratiate himself to Kerry.