never really watched anyone... I managed to walk past a house when I was in highschool when walking the dog at night and a girl I knew from my english class was in the shower and they had one of the lacy white window curtains that you can see through EASILY over a single pane 4ft by 5ft windows on the side of the house... I couldn't help but pretend to let the dog piss in the grass and watch... wow...
I never left the street so leagally it wasn't peeping I don't believe...
I'll still remember that girl naked for years... every time I saw her in class I could see her sexy lil body through whatever she was wearing...
she was one of the fist fully naked girls I ever saw in person...
But on the other hand... when I was in the dorms.. me and my ex, (one in some of the pics elsewhere) we spent time in the window on purpose and on accident, we would have sex on the window sil just to see if someone outside would stop and watch, few times I could look over her shoulder and look down and there would be people ont eh street or in the parking lot stanging and pointing... I was only a silouette in the window with the light behind us at night so they had no idea I could see them, but it was a rush to have an audience like that, that was "watching" me without my "consent"...

kinda like a fake exhibitionism... but the real exibitionism, them in the same room, is as good or better... speaking from expierence...