I know it's hard to get motivated when you're depressed, but the best thing you can do for self-medication if you can't get a prescription is exercise. Exercise by itself has been shown to be as effective as Prozac in treating major depression - it releases endorphins and helps stabilize your neurochemistry. Enlist a friend whose job it is to make sure you get your butt up and walk for at least 10-20 minutes/day. Give up alcohol till you're stable. Also, there are some books on cognitive behavior therapy techniques that are inexpensive and have some simple and not at all "touchy-feely" exercises that can help you break out of your negative thought patterns. (Try "Feeling Good" by David Burns.) I know you say you don't have time because you need to find a job, but just half an hour a day taking care of yourself can make a huge difference, and you probably spend that much time moping and being miserable now (I know I did).
Good luck, and PM me if you want to talk. I've been there, hon.
"If ten million people believe a foolish thing, it is still a foolish thing."
- Anatole France