Originally posted by TickTock
now my questions to all of you is,
Do you think i should forgive either of them?
Yes, eventually, and for yourself, not for them. Hanging onto bitterness only makes you, well, bitter. You sound like a big-hearted person, and I don't doubt that you'll find it in yourself to forgive them both when the time is right. But for now, just hurt and be upset till you're ready to move on.
Should i try to work things out with the guy that was my friend?
If you feel like the friendship is worth it, yes. If he's a basically good guy and this is an anomaly, then maybe it's worth saving a friendship, and you'd get major major karma points. But if this is the latest (and worst) in a string of signals, it might be time to cut ties and find a new best friend.
how can i get him the help he needs?
Clearly he wants help, but for some reason can't get it (finances - is he still dependent on his family?). If you feel like doing some research, you can find him some free support groups or a therapist who works on a sliding fee scale.
You sound like a very kind person, and I'm sorry this has happened to you. I hope you can grow from it and find someone who's worthy of you.