Help me brainstorm
For my final thesis, i am producing a documentary on College Seniors, and the reality of not having an income after graduating from College. There was a poll somewhere, and it said that 60% of college students think they will be millionaires. In relaity only 2 end up being so. The problem is, the people who i am going to be doing this interview on don't really seem to be totally into it. I am a senior, but I am in charge of production, so putting myself onc amera is the last resort. Anyone have any ideas they can give me to make this documentary something you'd enjoy watching? My initial plan is to do a griup interview, and then follow each story speciifcally where I follow the student through their everyday activities. At the end of the Documentary i would give an update on them. Not sure if I want to take this to the comedic route or what not, so all of your opinions are welcomed.