I am a Democrat, and I certainly hope America comes to its senses and sends President Bush back to Crawford next November. That being said, I and most Democrats I know, are not hoping for bad economic news or any kind of disaster. I am an American first. True, if the economy is good it will be much harder to defeat President Bush, but I am not one to cut off my nose to spite my face.
If fact, while I am concerned with the long term effects of the Bush economic policies, it is clear that tax cuts have a stimulus effect in the short term and we are feeling the results of that right now. I hope this upturn in the economy continues but I still feel that excessive tax cuts and excessive spending are a recipe for distaster.
Finally, I have many more concerns with the Bush Administration that just the economy. Their poor environmental policies, restriction of stem-cell research, radical judicial nominations, poor follow through on No Child Left Behind, Border policies, and funding of Homeland Security needs. Add to this a joke of a prescription drug bill and the call for an unnecessary Constitutional Amendment and our nation has plenty to be concerned about.
Oh, and by the way, I agree - Keep on shopping!