Outlaw Infidelity?
I might should have entitled this thread "Deep Thoughts, by DY156" It doesn't have anything at all to do with the presidential race.
I was thinking about the gay marriage issue, and the interaction between the government and our private lives, and the legislating of morality. Cheating on your wife is something I think is wrong, and probably most people do too. It certainly causes great trauma for those cheated upon. (Not to mention those that cheat) It is probably more harmful than single people using prostitutes or commiting sodomy, both of which are or have been crimes. It requires a culpable mental state and an action carrying that out. In a sense, there is legal punishment for it, when it results in a divorce and is used to determine fault in some states or as grounds for divorce, but wouldn't it be intellectually honest to make it a crime?
I don't think it should be a legal crime, but wanted to bring this up. A case could be made for it that is stronger than I at first thought. Does anyone think it ever might become a crime under a "law and order" legislature somewhere in America? Am I completely nuts? Could it ever pass in a legislature full of men, some of whom might be guilty of it? Would any legislator be able to oppose it and get re-elected?
I'm curious what some of you think. I wonder if the responses will be more directly in line with whether you're happily married, than with usual left or right political leanings. I'm very happily married by the way, but don't want the government butting into one's personal life.