Best Friend stole my GF!
My best friend that ive known forever started talking to my girlfriend. now she has broken up with me because she has "lost romatic feelings for me" He likes her and he actively got her to like him. not saying he used tricked her but he still got her to like him. what kind of best friend goes behind your back like that? And you know whats worse? the weekend before we broke up he got my gf to invite both of us over to watch a movie. then, while i was sitting there on the couch with her on my lap sideways my friend was sitting on the other side of the coutch with pillows everywhere. i find out now that he was rubbing her feet and niether of them said anything. i mean i sensed that something was up but i didnt want to believe that my best friend would do something like that to me. i was wrong. Also a little more background info, my friend a few weeks before had just gotten dumped from a relationship of like 6 months. he never really showed any feelings of sadness or heartbrokenness. he did tell his mom he wanted to go back to therapy and she blew him off. so could this be his way of dealing with the problem of his other relationship? could it be that he was jealous of my relationship and did what he could to f**k me over? and if the problem is that he needs therapy does that change anything? he still backstabbed me. i dont know what to do.
now my questions to all of you is,
Do you think i should forgive either of them?
Should i try to work things out with the guy that was my friend?
how can i get him the help he needs?
i dont know what to do. any comments would help.