Not only is this bad news for SCO, it's bad news for linux. Companies will refrain from using anything that's supposedly open-source if there's a snowball's chance in July that they're going to get sued for it.
I'm with ART on this, though. let the courts hear it. The worst that can happen is that if code belonging to SCO is found in the distribution, it will have to be removed and replaced by true open-source code. The best that can happen is that SCO will have been found to violate the open source terms of usage for Linux by including open-source code in it's so-called copyrighted segments, and they'll be forced to pay some ridiculous sum of money to Linux users everywhere.
Disclaimer: I do not now, nor have I ever, used Linux as a primary operating system on a computer personally owned by me. I am, however, tired of corporate legal fuckery.