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Old 03-03-2004, 11:03 AM   #63 (permalink)
Strange Famous
follower of the child's crusade?
Originally posted by Boo
What specifically do you find as deeply distasteful? Please support your statement.

Please understand that I come here to read the opinions of other people. I attempt to understand why they have made their comments, what fueled their emotions. I value their opinion, even though I may disagree with it.

An accurate picture of America, based on what? I have lived in 9 states, each of them have a solid conservative core that believes that the language ought to be English. Not to threadjack - /My RANT - They also believe that it is more expensive to convert all the daily government documentation to multiple language (and train gov people to read translate them) than to teach the immigrant basic english. That immigrants don't deserve a better break, education, home loan or any other benefit than a Freeborn American. They also believe that America has the right to be a little choosy about who it lets in. That America needs teachers, doctors, professionals, not just service related fields.

Yes, some of the comments are raw. Read their words a year from now and see if they have gained any wisdom.
There is no wisdom in this article, merely hostility, mean spiritedness, heterophobia and disgust.

Is this how the "land of the free" should prove itself so? By forcing those who come in to worship Your god, to speak your language, to subscribe to your cultural values?

Religion should be an individual choice, there is no place for religious indoctrination in any school or public building - it is not for the state to determine who the individual calls God.

Language is a key tie to people's culture, their difference, and inviduality - attempting to destroy language and create conformity is akin to cultural vandalism, it is a hate crime.

Immigrants - all white American's are immigrants - should not be so quick to want to close the gates as soon as they are inside. The persecution, poverty, famine that most of the people who came to America fled from still exists in the world - whats the difference, that the people starving or being persecuted arent so white now?

The article at the start is designed at one thing, dehumanizing outsiders, "oh, they are not like us, they dont speak like us, they come here to take our jobs, they come here to get welfare to take our taxes..." this is the worst kind of politics, and yes it should be censored. When public words seek to do harm, or incite harm, on groups in society, especially the most vulnerable groups, they should be censored.

And sad is it may be, the St George's cross is a racist symbol now, because racist groups have captured it and made it their own - it doesnt mean pride in England, it means soccer hooliganism, racism, skinheads and hate.
"Do not tell lies, and do not do what you hate,
for all things are plain in the sight of Heaven. For nothing
hidden will not become manifest, and nothing covered will remain
without being uncovered."

The Gospel of Thomas
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