Originally posted by Lebell
- Likes benefits of America enough to become an American Citizen.
- Not willing to defend those benefits
- Willing to let others die to defend the benefits he enjoys.
I think I better not post as well.
edit to say: Except I will say that I really wish you would reconsider about becoming a citizen and move to one of those countries you mentioned that you think is better.
While I am fairly likely to ditch in case of a draft, I don't think that's the only factor that defines a good citizen. I will pay taxes, not collect welfare, obey laws etc. like I do now.
- Willing to let others die to defend the benefits he enjoys.
Dying in a war doesn't necessarily defend those benefits. Sometimes, a war is simply an offensive action that has little to no benefits for the general populace.
You seem to have a romanticised view of those who participate in wars based on the "defenders of benefits" statement. Sorry to thread-jack a thread that I started, but most people who volunteer to serve in the military simply do so because of lack of other opportunity, not because of a desire to fight for this country. The military is one of the only, if not the only, field where a person with only a high school diploma can advance up the ladder and get paid a decent salary. I really hate how these people get portrayed as oh-so-heroic fighters of our freeedom.
People who volunteer for duty while having other GOOD opportunities: HEROS.
People who join the military because they need a career and have nowhere else to go: ORDINARY PEOPLE with a dangerous job.