So freshman year in college I lived in a dorm. My room was on a corner and the only other room I could see belonged to a pinay (sp?) chick who was in my math section. Since we were on the same floor we always ran into each other and occasionally did some of the math work together. She had a boyfriend. ANYWAY one night I am trying to go to sleep when I notice the light in her room is on. She comes in all wet and in a white robe. The window I see her through is a horizontal rectangle about two yards wide and a yard tall, so I can only see her upper body. She dries her hair with the robe still on, and then slightly bends over and balance her self as if she was taking off her underwear..... robe still on. She then takes the robe off and is wearing a bra underneath, a black one everytime. She then takes the old bra off and puts a new one on..... WITH HER BACK TO ME !! This was a nightly occurance that basically drove me INSANE. She managed to remove and replace all of her underwear without me seeing ANYTHING. Oh well, I guess it was better than nothing.
"A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows us that faith proves nothing." - Friedrich Nietzsche