Originally posted by Eclipse26
You may want to have someone with you, but you don't have to have someone with you. I'm not sure if that makes sense or not, but to me...that's the difference.
I agree here. I'd usually rather have someone with me. Someone to talk to, cuddle with, etc. Someone to have fun with, share experiences, life, etc.
HOWEVER, I take care of myself. Through rough patches, where I was struggling to make it and just couldn't, my parents helped by letting me move back home during my divorce. I pay my own bills, I got my own job, I take care of myself, and I like it that way, too. I like not
having to depend on someone. I think that's a difference between independent and dependent. I CAN take care of myself, I LIKE taking care of myself, but I like sharing my life. Even if I were to marry again, which someday I hope to, I still would want to know that I could take care of myself.