So if I suspect my financial advisor is taking all my money, I should not investigate because that would breach his privacy? If I think that my talent agent is slandering my name, should I not ask around to see what she/he is saying? If I think my union is sacrificing my benefits for personal gain, shouldn't I see what's up?
She may have a right to privacy, but I have a right to know who I can trust. I would need to know if she is sleeping with other men, because I don't want AIDS. I'd like to think the person I was meant to spend the rest of my life with would not lie to me, or break my trust. And if they did, would feel remorseful enough afterwards to tell me so we can work through it. Luthermac, find your evidence of whether or not she is cheating, and divorce. To me, a girl that doesn't love you enough to be faithful or honest is not worth the time. Pain should not be the most prominent feature in marriage.
"Asking a bomb squad if an old bomb is still "real" is not the best thing to do if you want to save it." - denim