oh shit, i didn't want to sound like a
fashion guru,
cuz i'm not!
TheClarkster said
But in response to the original post, what do you do with the tshirt you buy if you're not supposed to wear it?
it's been my experience that i just buy one after the show? if i end up getting one?
bigbad said
I made a t-shirt with footprints and bloodstains all over it with those iron on transfer things, I usually wear that
nowadays i'd alsolike to get into making my own shirts as well
quadro said
But see, sometimes I'll wear a band t-shirt to that band's show, but it'll be a really, really old one, so everybody can look at me with envy and think, "wow! He was a fan of theirs way back when! Maybe he knows the band! Maybe he can get me backstage! Maybe I'll give him a blow job!"
Try it sometime.
heh, excellent point, in fact i don't know why i didn't previously mention it; because my brother wore his old 1993 or something tattered Metallica shirt to the 2004 Big Day Out and he looked
tough cause it was all greyish and tattered
Redjake said
I think a dress code for concerts is the stupidest thing I have ever heard in my entire life. I about DIED laughing when someone told me that "you weren't supposed to wear the band's t-shirt to the concert." WHY NOT? Who cares? Jesus. Chill out. Just wear what you want to wear. Oh no! Everyone has the same shirt! WHO CARES!
So materialistic this world is. Only poseurs follow the general rules of fashion. Next time I go to a concert, I'm going up to the vendor, buying the damn t-shirt for the band, putting it on, and jump up and down yelling "LOOK AT ME EVERYONE I'M SUCH A DORK I'M WEARING THE BAND'S T-SHIRT!!!"
Huzzah! I wasn't stating any rules, just some observations. Basically to reiterate; A lot of people already do that and they look the same with their new concert shirts on (that's my own gripe). Dress code and everything else aside, it's just uninteresting (from observation) when everyone has the same t-shirt on

Maybe it works for me though,
cuz i am then
above the crowd and am really
Also i thought the premise of a bands shirt was to
promote that band. Given you're already at that gig, it'd be nice for you to promote other bands you like to others who like a simialr vein of music. That's the whole point of it, for me. It's all advertising the band. For instance, at A Perfect Circle, i saw a guy with a
Dream Theatre shirt on, and consequently looked them up after the show to checkout some of their music. That's what it's all about

And my justification for it! nothing about being
cool or latest fad etc, it's a practicality and courtesy thing for me
Just think, if you could
enrich someone elses life by wearing something as frivilous as a music shirt. MAGICAL!
Lasereth said
I wasn't aware that there is a dress code for concerts. Of course, I'm not one that wears clothes to be cool or neat, either. I wear whatever's comfortable. I've been to a few concerts, and wore a regular t-shirt and shorts everytime. I've heard that you're "not supposed to wear the band's shirt" before, but I'm still baffled that people have a dress code for going to concerts. Maybe I'm just not in-the-cool.
Huzzah! Comfortable; That's why i wear a basketball singlet!

Shit. Is that in the rules
this is nothing about being in the cool or not!
practicality before that!
Ultimately there's no rules!
I just wanted to bring my thoughts and justifications to other peoples attention! Stop throwing the terms
fashion code and
rules around
Another gripe of mine is people who don't dance or react to the music, but...oh well i wont get into that
Keep in mind, these are gripes of mine, i didn't mean to start a fucking rule book! Trust me, i am not
above you, so you don't need to do what i say!

although take it into
account if you like. What me worry?